A Family of Students

Rivera TY CardJust yesterday we received a thank you card from one of our families, and we’d like to share their story. These family stories explain our work best, and inspires us to continue.

Ms. Karina Rivera is a single parent of two bright CSF students, and she and her family take education very seriously. As a student herself (Ms. Rivera is currently a full-time law student), she understands the value of a good education and so when it was time for her own children to attend school, she obviously wanted the very best.  Her first child, Jayson, began at a public school, but Ms. Rivera soon realized that this school was not going to work out. Jayson has speech and learning impediments and was behind since the beginning. After two years in public school, he still wasn’t making enough progress and something needed to change.

When Ms. Rivera had her second child, Nicole, she decided it was time to try a new school for both of her children so she looked into her alma mater, Our Lady of Mercy in the Bronx. She and her extended family attended this school for their own elementary school years.  Ms. Rivera was convinced that private school would give her children more options, and with the help of the CSF scholarship, she was able to enroll Jayson in Nicole at the school, and still continue her own studies.

Jayson and Nicole have been at Our Lady of Mercy for two years now, and they are making significant improvements, even though they both have learning disabilities.  Jayson is currently in 4th grade, but already reading at a 6th grade level and doing 6th grade math! Ms. Rivera is very proud.  “I would recommend anyone to private school even though you have to pay more. It is a sacrifice, but you can do it. They are learning so much that the sacrifice is worth it.” Thankfully, this whole family of students has found something that works and something that inspires them to learn and continue their education. We are so proud.
