A Model Student

Genesis Torres

CSF recently had the pleasure of meeting a most impressive CSF 5th grader, Genesis Torres.  Genesis is not only a model student in the classroom, but she is also actively involved in extracurricular activities, like her school’s music and story writing clubs.  In her most recent report card, which boasts an “A” average, her teacher Ms. Diaz, writes “Genesis is an excellent student. She always has great insight, which she is not afraid to share with the class. I appreciate that she really thinks about ideas. She is a good model for the other students.” Genesis certainly showed us her astuteness and generous nature. She talked about her work as President of Student Council, and how along with her fellow classmates, they are working to improve the school by raising money for new bathrooms and by starting an afterschool tutoring club.  She is also quite passionate about science and looks forward to being a scientist when she grows up.  Genesis’s face lit up at the mention of her recent science project, which posed the question: “Why is sand hot and ocean water cold during warm summer days?”  She very clearly walked us through her results, proud to articulate her discovery! (Scientific explanation: “land is a solid so the sand absorbs the heat” and “water is not a solid so the heat goes through it.”) Genesis has been a CSF scholarship recipient for three years now, and we are very, very proud to have her as part of the CSF family.
