A Thanksgiving Dinner

On a recent school visit, we had the pleasure of meeting several CSF Scholars at Ss. Joseph & Dominic Catholic Academy in Brooklyn, NY, where more than half of the student body uses a CSF scholarship. CSF Scholars spent some time thoughtfully drawing holiday cards expressing their thanks for the scholarship assistance made possible by CSF supporters like you.

One very bright student, Christopher, meticulously explained his card to us, and it would be a shame not to highlight his magic during this holiday season. Take a look at the detailed vision below, courtesy of Christopher:

Isn’t it just marvelous? Yes, we thought so too! We would all be so lucky to attend such a lovely dinner. Thank you, Christopher, for sharing your work with us.

Here at CSF, we have a lot to be grateful for too. Thank you to all the wonderful individuals and foundations who have supported us this year. We are also extremely thankful for the dedicated CSF parents and guardians who are our partners in giving access to quality education to thousands of children year after year. Our work wouldn’t be possible without all of this support, so thank you for all that you do. On behalf of the entire CSF family, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!
