Bizman seeks 2.4M for Catholic schools

Thursday, March 3rd, 2005 in New York Daily News

by Joe Williams

Hoping to save struggling Catholic schools and rescue students stuck in failing public schools, a Manhattan businessman announced a fund-raising drive yesterday to raise millions of dollars for scholarships.

Tom Cusick, who stepped forward last month after the Daily News called on generous New Yorkers to help save the city’s Catholic education system, said he hopes to raise $2.4 million.

The money would supplement an additional $1.2 million matching grant from a private scholarship group.

“Those of us who have more than we need should help those who have next to nothing,” said Cusick, president of the Fifth Avenue Association and a graduate of the parochial school system.

As many as 32 Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of New York and Diocese of Brooklyn may close at the end of this school year unless they can dramatically increase their enrollment and find more money.

Cusick said he wants to make sure the struggling schools aren’t turning away students because the children can’t afford the tuition.

The Children’s Scholarship Fund, founded in 1998 by philanthropists Ted Forstmann and John Walton, will collect the donations and administer the scholarships. The organization will match up to $1.2 million in gifts, depending on how much Cusick’s effort raises.

To contribute, or to seek a scholarship, go to
