CSF Alumni Learn Valuable Financial Lessons

Bankruptcy lawyers Andrea Gildea and James Moore deliver their presentation to Cathedral High School students.

This afternoon, the lucky young ladies who are CSF Alumni at Cathedral High School in Manhattan learned about how credit cards work and how making wise financial decisions early on can really pay off.

Today’s presenters, bankruptcy lawyers Andrea Gildea and James Moore, are volunteers for an organization called CARE (Credit Abuse Resistance Education). Their presentation covered how to read a credit card statement, the difference between credit and debit cards, and the consequences of spending more than you can afford. Everyone learned something new, even Cathedral Principal Maria Spagnuolo!

Our attentive CSF Scholars were full of questions about everything from how to establish good credit (library fines count!) to the intricacies of repossession and bankruptcy (and how to avoid them). After the presentation, a handful of the Cathedral students said they were interested in becoming lawyers, and junior Talisha L. told us she wants to be a judge.

Thank you very much to Principal Spagnuolo for hosting and to Andrea Gildea and James Moore for their enjoyable and educational presentation.

And to the 86 CSF Scholars now attending Cathedral High School, may you enjoy a lifetime of financial stability and high credit scores!

For the 86 CSF alumni now attending Cathedral High School, today's presentation on credit sparked lots of questions.
