James Piereson and Naomi Schaefer Riley have a new article, “A Private Solution Helps Kids Succeed,” in the National Review about how CSF families have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and why it’s so important to help CSF Scholars stay in the schools that serve them so well.
“It has by now become a familiar and depressing trope: Those hit hardest by the pandemic and the ensuing lockdown were the families that could least afford it. This was confirmed by the Children’s Scholarship Fund in a survey of parents who receive financial aid from the organization to send their children to inner-city private (mostly Catholic) schools. More than four out of five CSF respondents have lost income in the lockdowns — almost evenly divided between those who lost a job and those who had their work hours cut. Given that the average family income of CSF scholarship recipients (the vast majority of whom are black or Hispanic) is only $37,000, the economic toll was high. In addition, one in five had a family member test positive for COVID-19, and 7 percent had someone in their immediate family hospitalized.
During these difficult times, though, it turned out that the elementary and middle schools their children attended were beacons of hope.”
Read the full article on the National Review’s website.