Guest Column: Education Environment Grows More Diverse

From The Commercial Appeal:

The topic of education is making plenty of headlines in Memphis these days, although often in a contentious and uncertain light. To be sure, the school consolidation issue is vitally important to the future of our city and county and should be reported and debated with the gravity it deserves.

However, as we observe School Choice Week, we at the Memphis Opportunity Scholarship Trust (MOST) want to turn the spotlight, at least momentarily, toward the many wonderful things taking place in Memphis today that are creating exciting new educational choices for parents across the economic spectrum.

J.R. “Pitt” Hyde, chairman of the Hyde Family Foundations, did a great job in a Jan. 12 Viewpoint guest column outlining the many education reforms that are happening in Memphis as a result of investments by local philanthropists and the federal government. Along with the rest of the nation, MOST is watching these efforts expectantly, and we are optimistic that they will result in more public school choices that parents can feel good about making.

Hyde didn’t mention charter schools in his column, but we know from the Hyde Family Foundations’ investments in them that he supports these newcomers to the education scene. Charter schools like KIPP Diamond Academy (which is recognized as one of the best-performing middle schools in the state), among others, are providing parents with innovative, free educational options outside the traditional public system. MOST was also an early supporter of charter schools, actively encouraging our scholarship families to write their legislators in support of a strong charter school law. We are heartened to see what has come of those efforts.

And, of course, Memphis also boasts a vibrant community of private and parochial schools, which are educating children from all walks of life in a diverse array of environments and with varying educational philosophies. While many think of private schools as the realm of the wealthy only, the Memphis independent school community has for many years embraced, and financially assisted, students who come from families that could never afford a private education on their own.

Many schools with familiar names — Harding Academy, St. Mary’s Episcopal School and Memphis University School, to name just a few — offer financial assistance to low-income families that makes it possible for their children to enjoy the same education as children of the wealthy.

But there are also many more independent schools you may not have heard of that are serving low-income students well in areas of Memphis found outside the regular carpool routes of the city’s middle and upper classes. Schools like New Hope Christian Academy in Frayser, The Neighborhood School in Binghamton, Brinkley Heights Urban Academy and the Catholic Jubilee Schools scattered around the city were all founded with the purpose of giving parents with fewer resources a choice beyond their neighborhood public schools that might not be the best option for their children.

Yet even with the generous financial aid packages these schools often offer, many families who choose private education find themselves struggling to pay their part of tuition. That’s why, since 1998, Memphis Opportunity Scholarship Trust has supported low-income families when they decide that one of these independent schools is right for their child. MOST provides partial scholarships to help bridge the gap between the tuition owed and what the families can afford to pay.

MOST and its supporters believe school choice means more than simply getting into a “good” school. We believe that, at its heart, school choice is about giving parents the resources — informational and financial — to make the best decisions for their children. Parents who feel they have had a say in where their child attends school are more likely to be involved in that student’s education in the classroom and at home. This sense of control over a child’s educational path is one wealthier families might take for granted, but lower-income parents rarely do.

So we want to celebrate the growing array of quality educational choices for families of all means in our city and thank the many people — teachers, administrators, parents, philanthropists, elected officials and concerned citizens — who have played a role in creating this diverse educational environment in Memphis. MOST is proud to work alongside all of you.

Mandy Yandell is executive director and Ginger Spickler is program administrator of Memphis Opportunity Scholarship Trust. For more information, visit
