Helping CSF Families Affected by Sandy


Dear Friends,

Thank you for your continued thoughts and concern for the CSF families affected by Hurricane Sandy. Although we continue to assess the full extent of the damage to these families, we have heard from a growing number who have experienced unimaginable losses, including the loss of their homes and essential income.

In our effort to help these families and ensure that their children can at least remain in their chosen private schools, CSF is reactivating our Stay in School Fund, a special fund to assist families facing extraordinary circumstances. It is our hope that during this difficult and chaotic time, CSF can provide any children affected by the storm with the constant of their familiar school environments and help shoulder one of the additional burdens now facing their already financially strapped families.

To that end, you can contribute to this additional effort by making a secure tax-deductible donation online or by sending a check to the address below:

CSF Stay in School Fund
Children’s Scholarship Fund
8 West 38th Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10018

Please know that your generosity gives these and all CSF families hope, enabling them to send their children to quality schools where they have the opportunity for a brighter future.

Again, thank you for your support as we work to help the CSF families adversely affected by the storm’s devastation.

Most Gratefully,
Darla M. Romfo
