To celebrate National School Choice Week (January 23-29, 2022) in a safe and socially-distanced way, Children’s Scholarship Fund is hosting a Parent Power Zoom webinar on Tuesday, January 25th!
We are bringing together families from New York and New Hampshire to celebrate the fact that parents are the first educators of their children! Attendees will hear from parents, school leaders, CSF Scholars, alumni, and CSF staff at this special event. Learn more about how scholarships open up educational options for families and put parents in the driver’s seat.
All those registering for the Zoom webinar will be automatically entered in a drawing for prizes including a laptop computer, a mini iPad, and a $100 Amazon gift card. (Attendees must be present on the webinar at the time of the drawing to win.)
WHEN: Tuesday, January 25th from 7-8pm
HOW TO REGISTER (to be included in drawing): Visit https://bit.ly/CSFParentPower2022
1. WATCH ON ZOOM: Please copy and paste the link below into your browser to join the webinar on Tuesday, Jan. 25th at 7pm: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81275252717?pwd=SlhwdlVBSG8zZEoyb0FRbTNuOXNjQT09
Zoom Meeting ID:
812 7525 2717
Passcode: 196352
2. WATCH ON FACEBOOK LIVE: Go to Children’s Scholarship Fund’s Facebook page, www.facebook.com/ScholarshipFund on Tuesday, Jan. 25th at 7pm.
We look forward to celebrating with you!