Madison’s Masterpiece

Madison's Masterpiece

Madison is only six years old, but she exudes confidence, patience, and intellect. While her mom, JoseAnn, was in the office filling out her requalification papers for the scholarship, Madison patiently colored. Her picture started off small, with one square at a time, but flourished into a sort of storyboard that she titled, “The Cat and the Dog.” Watching her color, you could easily see that she was thinking carefully about each choice and that it was more than just drawing a picture. Pondering what to draw for her last square, she looked up from where she was coloring at the CSF office, and saw the American flag. She inquired intelligently about the stripes, asking how many stripes the American flag had, and then decided to dedicate her last square to this knowledge she acquired. After about 45 minutes, she happily finished her drawing, signed her name, and gave it to us.

We were very happy to meet Madison because she is so self-composed and bright. When asked about her summer and her school, Our Lady of Snows (which she has been attending since Kindergarten with her CSF scholarship), she warmly stated that she was ready to go back to school. Her mom, JoseAnn, tells us that Madison is the most punctual six-year-old she has ever met. She looks forward to school and refuses to be late so she is up on time and at school by 8:20am. That’s earlier than our office opens! JoseAnn also says that Madison is excelling academically and socially and can tell by the vocabulary she uses and the way she interacts with her classmates. Madison and her school seem to be a great fit, and we are happy that the scholarship has made this possible for them.

Please enjoy Madison’s masterpiece!
