Hometown: Peapack, NJ
Industry: Education
Hobbies: Rappinn and Sports
Fun Fact: One day, I want to live in a treehouse.
Why is education important to you?
When I was growing up, I didn’t have the confidence to trust my intuition and follow a career path I loved. Wanting to be a rapper, an athlete, or an entrepreneur wasn’t a “real” job in the eyes of my teachers and parents, so I gave up on my dreams. If I had the right mindset, I would have pursued those dreams without the fear of failure or the fear of being judged by my friends, family or teachers. So now my purpose in life is to inspire kids to live their dreams and to be that voice I needed as a kid growing up. Education is so important because it’s the foundation of everything—how we learn, how we think, and how we live. We’re curious by nature, so it’s important to maintain this mindset. When you’re always curious about new things, you start to see the beauty in learning and education. Whether it be about ourselves or a specific academic subject, this is how we eventually make an impact on the world…by continuing to learn!
What do you hope to learn or gain from being a YL Member?
I hope to work with kids by mentoring them, helping them in areas of life where they really need assistance (I love teaching about Mindset and Emotional Intelligence), raise money by helping create and organize fundraising events, share my creative ideas to help CSF grow, gain experience and learn from others, and to overall just make an impact in the lives of these kids!