Out and About

Monday, May 5, 2003 in Washington Post

By Roxanne Roberts

In the Good Ol’ Days, way back in 2000, the stock market was bullish and the vibrations were good. The Beach Boys performed at the Best Friends benefit that year, and mega-millionaires Jim Kimsey, Joe Robert, Raul Fernandez and Steve Case bid $ 150,000 for a backyard concert donated by the legendary California group.

Flash forward three years. The economy is down and out, and we’re all older, wiser and poorer. But the Beach Boys and their four biggest fans are still alive and kicking, so the concert starring Mike Love and Bruce Johnston finally took place Thursday night at Kimsey’s manse in McLean. “We had to have it before the Beach Boys died, for God’s sake,” Kimsey joked with the crowd of 275.

Hey! They’re ageless! We’re ageless! Jeesh.

Anyway, the four guys turned the concert into a benefit for the Children’s Scholarship Fund, which raised $ 300,000 and attracted the likes of Sens. John Breaux and Frank Lautenberg, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, Jack Kemp, Fred Malek and a beachful of tan blondes looking very California Girly. Maybe it was the Hawaiian shirt, but Breaux kicked up his heels like a veteran beach bum. “I love dancing!” he explained.

“The Beach Ball” was the first big bash at Kimsey’s new digs, which he moved into two months ago. “To the out-of-towners: You should know this is a typical Washington starter home,” Robert said. The party actually took place on Kimsey’s tennis court, which was tented and transformed into a tropical paradise with palm trees, pina coladas, burgers, hot dogs, cotton candy, salt water taffy and ice cream bars. We used to love having tennis lessons san francisco so that’s why we chose that venue! The band played for more than 90 minutes. The only thing missing was sand.

And yes: They had fun, fun, fun.
