School Visit in the South Bronx

This week we visited Saints Peter and Paul School on Brook Avenue in the South Bronx. No less than 86 children attend the school with CSF scholarships, and we met quite a few of them during our school tour.

First up, the first-graders performed a tug-of-war in the gym class. Wow, what an enthusiastic bunch! It was close for a while, but ultimately half of the class brought the other half down, followed by much cheering and high-fiving. Next we met 4th graders hard at work in the computer lab. After a stop in the school library, we headed to the cafeteria, where the pre-K class was eating lunch. They performed a poem, “Our World is Bright,” with accompanying actions. Just picture fourteen 4-year-olds reciting the following verse, wiggling their fingers and winking!:

God gives us the stars
That twinkle at night.
They wink at us, too,
And make the sky bright.

Here are some photos.
