Spotlight on CSF Supporter Mike McGuiness

On Sunday, March 18th, Young Leaders Board member Mike McGuiness will be racing in the United Airlines NYC Half marathon for the Children’s Scholarship Fund. Mike is one of five Young Leaders Board members raising awareness and scholarship funding for CSF and we could not be more grateful for their support! Please check out and support or share their fundraising campaigns, and read more about Mike’s motivation for running below.

Why did you decide to run for the NYC Half? 
I’ve always enjoyed running, and running a half marathon has been on my bucket list for quite a while. When I was offered the chance to run in the NYC Half while raising money for CSF, I jumped at the opportunity.

What inspired you to get involved with CSF? 
After moving to New York, I was looking for a way to get more involved in the local community. I knew that I wanted to be a part of an organization that was focused on improving the U.S. education system, and after researching several great organizations, I decided to reach out to the Children’s Scholarship Fund. I particularly liked CSF’s innovative approach to fostering active parental involvement, and I thought that the Young Leaders Board would provide a great opportunity to meet and connect with other young professionals in NYC who have a similar interest in furthering this good cause.

How long have you been running?
Running has been a regular part of my weekly routine since high school.

What motivates you to run for a cause?
Education is important to me because I view it as one of the most accessible and powerful resources one can avail themselves of in order to foster opportunity in their lives.  I also find the iterative nature of education-focused charity particularly attractive.  I hope that any opportunities created in the lives of the current school-aged generation will help those individuals to go on and improve the lives of the following school-aged generation. Ideally, every small contribution creates a dramatic ripple effect that positively impacts generations to come.
