Thank God for generosity

Thursday, May 24, 2007 in NY Daily News – editorial

Wall Street tycoon Robert Wilson is an atheist, but he has faith in the Catholic schools. Enough to invest $22.5 million, expecting no return – except in a brighter future for 3,000 children.

Wilson, philanthropist extraordinaire, made his gift to the Archdiocese of New York for a scholarship program that allows inner-city youngsters to enroll in Catholic elementary schools their parents could not otherwise afford.

“The donation has nothing to do with religion,” Wilson declared, also taking a swipe at the public schools (calling them “a mess”) and at the United Federation of Teachers (which he criticized for opposing efforts to help private schools). The miffed UFT responded with a declaration that its teachers “should be celebrated, not excoriated.”

Ah, well. Let us at this moment choose simply to celebrate the Catholic school system, which has provided an educational beacon for generations and has struggled to serve families that lack the wherewithal to pay even modest tuitions. Let us also thank the generous Mr. Wilson. And the anonymous Wall Streeter who, learning of Wilson’s gift, kicked in another $4.5 million for the scholarships, up to $2,100 per year per child.

Blessings upon both donors, whether they believe in blessings or not.
