Upcoming School Choice Conference in Berkeley

If you are heading to the Bay Area, mark your calendar for Friday, April 1st. The American Center for School Choice (ACSC) is hosting a one-day conference at UC-Berkeley to explore the role of faith-based schools in the school choice debate.

CSF President Darla Romfo will be among the conference speakers. Other speakers include: Dr. Mary McDonald of the Diocese of Memphis; Former California State Senator Gloria Romero of Democrats for Education Reform; Professor Joseph Viteritti of Hunter College, and Andrew Coulson of the Cato Institute.

From the AMSC website:

The April 1 sessions will update the basis for public support for families to choose faith-based schools. All the major denominations, Catholic, Evangelical, Main line Protestant, Jewish and Muslim schools, will be represented to discuss how best to build on current programs and create new ones. The conference will examine how these schools can continue to serve low-income families in urban areas where historically they have played a strong role. The political sessions will analyze the best opportunities for passing new legislation and expanding current programs as well as what operational limitations would be unacceptable to the schools. In addition, experts will evaluate the legal constraints, such as states’ Blaine amendments, and the possibilities for challenges and/or changes to them.

The event is sure to be a worthwhile exploration of the ongoing question of how we can make better educational options available to all. Find out more at the American Center for School Choice website.
