Vote for CSF, Vote for Christina

This week marks Week 8 (out of 12) of CSF’s participation in Members Project.

Please vote:

With your help and online votes, it is still possible for CSF to win $200,000 that will be put to good use – providing scholarships for children who need and deserve to go to a good school and get a quality education.

To give you an example of the children you are helping with each vote, here is a picture of Christina G., a 7th grader who attends Sacred Heart School in the Bronx using a CSF scholarship. Recently she told us:

“Thank you for giving me a scholarship because I really need it, and my mom is very happy. It made it very easy for her because she now only has to pay half of the school tuition. My family thanks you too because they are proud of me.”

Thank you for every vote you make for CSF! Students like Christina are counting on us all!
