CSF Parents in New York Report High Levels of Satisfaction with Schools

Recently, CSF surveyed scholarship families in New York about their experience with their schools and CSF as well as their involvement in their children’s education. More than 770 parents and guardians completed the survey online and on paper. Notable findings include:

  • 98.5 percent said their CSF scholarships help them make the best educational choices for their child;
  • 73.1 percent reported they could not afford to send their child to their chosen school without a CSF scholarship. Another 24 percent said they were not sure if they could afford to do so on their own;
  • 70.3 percent noticed an improvement in their child’s academic performance and/or engagement since enrolling in their current school;
  • 84 percent reported touring their child’s school before selecting it, and
  • 88.1 percent said they help their child with homework all the time or frequently.

You can download our parent survey report for further details.

Most CSF parents rated their children's schools highly in academic quality, communication with families, discipline, safety, and teaching values.
Most CSF parents rated their children’s schools highly in academic quality, communication with families, discipline, safety, and teaching values.
